5 All Hands Meeting Agenda Templates to Foster Collaboration

Foster a culture of collaboration and open communication with this all-hands meeting templates

Fellow app
5 min readFeb 6, 2024

An all-hands meeting is a comprehensive staff meeting that convenes either the entire department or the whole company simultaneously. Scheduled infrequently, its occurrence may follow a monthly, quarterly, or even annual rhythm.

The agenda for an all-hands meeting typically encompasses a variety of topics. These can range from the latest company updates and significant changes impacting all staff members (such as modifications to benefits or new project-related policies) to more interactive formats like training sessions with breakout groups for more engaged participation.

Here are 5 All Hands Meeting Agenda Templates for your next staff meeting:

  1. All-Hands Meeting Agenda Template
  2. SaaS Scale-Up All Hands Meeting Template
  3. Virtual All-Hands Meeting Template
  4. Monthly All-Hands Meeting Template
  5. Weekly Engineering Managers Meeting Template

🌟 Pro Tip: try our meeting agenda app to create, customize, and save your own templates.

All-Hands Meeting Agenda Template

  • Business updates — Metrics and overall progress towards our goal.
  • Wins & Shoutouts — Achievements, positive results — and the people behind them.
  • Team spotlight — Presentations about new projects, features, or insights.
  • Q&A — Ask Me Anything session. Add your questions here:
  • Reminders — Upcoming initiatives and deadlines.
  • Action items — What came out of this meeting? What are your next steps?

SaaS Scale-Up All Hands Meeting Template

  • 🆕 New hires — Give your new hires an opportunity to introduce themselves to the whole company.
  • 📊 Product update — Honestly report on your team’s progress against OKRs.
  • 🚀 Revenue update — Discuss revenue, leads, and CSAT scores.
  • 📚 Customer story of the week — Provide insight into a particular customer and how they use your product. Any pain points?
  • 🌻 Special topics — Invite different teams to discuss different special topics they might want to share. Limit each update to 5 minutes or less.
  • 🏆 Weekly awards — Have weekly awards and allow to your team to nomiate people for these awards before the session.
  • 🗣️ CEO’s musings — Ask your CEO to spend a few minutes talking about something that is top of mind.
  • Q&A — End your session with a Q&A with questions sent anonymously beforehand or asked on spot.

Virtual All-Hands Meeting Template

  • Icebreaker question while we’re gathering — Share light and fun icebreaker questions ahead of time, so teammates can jump in and start chatting, avoiding the “Zoom silence.” You could also have a teammate play music.
  • Celebrations — Kick off every All Hands with about 10 minutes of celebration of all your team has accomplished inside and outside of work since the last sync.
  • CEO update (15–30 mins) — It’s the team’s opportunity to hear what’s on the mind of your CEO and where your company is headed.
  • Area highlights (3–5 mins/team) — Every area of your team shares something new or remarkable within their department, or update the full team on their projects or initiatives.
  • Breakouts/team-building (5–10 mins) — Breakout chats in smaller groups

Monthly All-Hands Meeting Template

  • Fantastic Fox Award (5 min) — “Employee of the Month” — the Fantastic Fox is awarded to the teammate who most emulated our values and went above and beyond the call of duty that month.
  • Announcements (5 mins) — Share a few announcements to share with the company: new hires, upcoming events, etc.
  • Deep-dive topics (20–30 mins) — Ask inquisitive questions about the topics presented; engineers ask questions about sales targets, customer success reps ask questions about team roadmap, etc.
  • Demos (15 mins) — In this section volunteers from your product team demo features they completed recently or are working on. The demo is always met with raucous applause.
  • Q&A / AMA (10 mins) — Share questions posed by members of the team, submitted anonymously before the meeting.

Weekly Engineering Managers Meeting Template

  • 🆙General Updates — Discuss updates on performance reviews, compensation reviews, OKR deadlines, all-hands updates, new managers, etc.
  • ⚙️Infrastructure Updates — Discuss any changes that will affect teams.
  • 🔒Security — Any security updates or incidents?
  • 💡Learnings — Share any learnings from either a book or an article that are relevant to other engineering managers.
  • 🔎Performance Management — Discuss on anyone’s team that is struggling on any aspect. This is an opportunity to share advice and best practices.
  • ⭐️Rising Stars — This is an opportunity to highlight any rising stars within your team.

Looking for more meeting agenda templates?

Check out these other articles:

Or view the entire Fellow meeting template library on our website. In Fellow, the free templates are 100% customizable! Each person can add to and collaborate on the agenda. Plus Fellow has built-in automations to automate some aspects of your meeting workflow.



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